Since the inception of SEO in 1990’s two colors have always been associated with it, the white and black. Thought both are known as the proponents of SEO marketing yet they pose several differences in terms of results and approach that they are able to deliver. Considering these differences, SEO company in Delhi always prefer to use white hat optimization technique instead of black. However, what makes black hat the evil one?
Analyzing the Features of White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO?We always relate white with purity and dark with evil, the same goes with search engine optimization too. The term White Hat SEO refers to those methods or techniques utilized by best SEO company in Delhi that improve the ranking of the website in reputable search engine but never work against the guidelines stipulated by them. On the contrary, Black Hat SEO technique never really cares about the guidelines rather exploits the weaknesses of search engine algorithms and gives instant results that never last long.
This speaks volumes about why SEO company in Delhi lay strong efforts and promote White Hat SEO. After all, who wouldn’t want to have high quality content, HTML optimization, link acquisition campaigns and restructuring of a better website, which will give them long lasting results?
This is why you will always find that best SEO company in Delhi like iBrandox always stay away from such techniques, and even adapt strategic measures to protect their services from Black hat optimization. Hence, when you want to enrich the best of your business then White Hat SEO stands to be a clear winner.