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Why ibrandox

Re-inventing brands, digitally



Har Country me hai jadoo humara :)
Some say we love startups, others shout us as web developers, few commend us as a digital agency, while some suggest technology greeks.

Best PPC Marketing Services in Gurgaon

Connecting customers instantly

Why should you hire iBrandox for your PPC Marketing Project ?
  • Geo-demographic research
  • Keyword Generation
  • Demographic and Geographic targeting
  • Ad Copy optimization
  • Campaign expansion
  • Campaign health check
  • Competitive research
  • Campaign targeting
  • Click path analysis
  • Bid optimization
Must be wondering,what is Ox? We are bull in our services. iBrandox-Online-Private-Limited
Why should you hire iBrandOx for your Web Designing Project? website development in delhi


More Traffic! More Leads! More Sales!

What is PPC Marketing?

Pay per Click Marketing (PPC) is the most effective web promoting model to boost your business online, which only pays when people hit on your website. In other words, it’s the quickest way to bring ready-to-buy buyers to your website. They will hit your website; you pay per click, have meetings with your customer, and materialize the lead at the best of your efforts.

Pay-Per-Click = Advertising expense ÷ Ads clicked


Why iBrandox for PPC Marketing?

iBrandox, the result-oriented digital agency offers you the best-customized strategies to build your website traffic, generate leads, and boost profitable revenue through Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing campaigns. One of the effective methods is to connect with customers immediately after the website goes live. We positively believe PPC Marketing and Return on Investment go hand in hand. No other agency can be better than our accredited internet marketers who offer guaranteed results through PPC marketing campaigns by researching your business, competitors, demographic area, and the behavior of the audience we are targeting.


All our PPC analysts are AdWords and Bing Advertising Professionals. Upon joining iBrandox, India, one has to put through the internal exams on ROI, Demographic Research, and Audience behavior analysis twice in six months to sharpen their knowledge in order to bring outstanding results for our clients aiming for long-term business relationships.

At iBrandox, once we start the campaign, our professional internet marketers continually monitor the bids, advertisements, and competition, and customize your campaign setting at the time of analyzing your results.

Why Choose iBrandox:-

  1. Experienced: Successfully delivered 100+ projects in different business verticals
  2. Customization: Customized solutions that range from web designing, e-commerce, and mobile application development to digital branding.
  3. Dedicated Support: Dedicated team of experts that offer support round the clock to help you maintain the website.
  4. Approachable: As we have in-house provisions we assure you the best industry prices
  5. Customer Relationship Management: 90% of our business is generated from referrals, this alone speaks volumes about our outstanding services.

Our Locations

India | Delhi | Gurgaon | Mumbai | Bangalore


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