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6 On-Page SEO Techniques That Can Make You E-Commerce Guru


Are you planning to go into pursuing an online venture but are clueless about where to start learning? Online venture or eCommerce is certainly a difficult shoe to get your feet in, however, it’s never too difficult that goes on your nerves and becomes your passion, right? And you are one of those for whom online venture is their passion, isn’t it? So, don’t worry, you are on the right track, the right place where you will learn what is required to make your eCommerce stand out from the rest! iBrandox, the best eCommerce developer in Gurgaon, knows all that it takes to be a master of the eCommerce world. Thus, it comes today to teach you the very basic step of the online world. Excited to know what it is. It is something that we have already discussed! It is On-page SEO. As promised in the last blog post where we discussed Off-page SEO techniques, we are back to talk about something new On-page SEO techniques which are very crucial to make your page run well and get acknowledged by people.

To those who have joined us for the first time or don’t know much about what SEO is, or what SEO stands for, let us reiterate a part of our last post discussion! SEO stands out as Search Engine Optimisation, also known as SEO Marketing which is essentially about one’s online marketing, making a strong and impressive presence of your website in order to make it more and more reachable. SEO or Search engine optimization can be divided into two parts: On-page SEO and Off-page SEO. As mentioned above, Off-page SEO techniques have already been discussed. Now, it is time to know On-page SEO in-depth!

Before diving into its techniques, let us first take out a moment and see what On-page SEO is all about! On-page SEO is about developing your website’s content, layout, and design in such a way that makes it more search engine friendly. Make it in such a way that no search engine can resist it from pooping at the top. Having said that, now it’s time to jump on the main content of our blog, i.e. On-page SEO techniques!

1. Proper-Page Titling: We would call it to be the most essential part of the On-page SEO or a very strong SEO factor for your site. Each of your pages and post should have a very unique, catchy title, which ought to include the main keywords of that particular page. For example, if you are having a beauty blog and you are talking about some air-brush make-up technique, make sure your page title includes Air-brush in its title.

This way, whenever someone searches for an airbrush technique in the search engine, your post has a higher probability of popping up!

2. URL Structuring: We would recommend you include search engine-friendly URLs for each of your pages as these come with a higher probability of attracting people. Also remember, shorter URLs are better performing than longer ones, so choose them wisely. Having said that, it is also important to include targeted keywords in your URLs. These factors could actually decide the fate of your site and eCommerce in a long run.

3. Meta Descriptions: Most people miss out on this and regret it later! We don’t want you to do the same! Never ever forget to include Meta descriptions for your pages. These descriptions are an important place to include relevant keywords for your content since these are used within the search results when your pages are listed.

4. Impactful Images and Videos: These days, images and videos speak more powerfully than your words! They can turn the whole crowd in your favor if used appropriately. Don’t just stick to your words, go beyond them and start using impactful images and videos which may convey your message more meaningfully and make your content look more appealing. Make sure your uploaded images have titles on them which will help them raising on your search engines much faster, acting just like the titles of your pages. You can also use Alt Text and Descriptions for your images, making them even more useful with SEO.

5. Internal Linking: Many believe that only the links that are borrowed from other sites can be useful sources. However, they are wrong in their assumption and underestimate the power of internal linking. This is not to say that external links are not important, but we should not negate the strength of internal links too. Putting links to your other website pages is an important way of enhancing your SEO if used efficiently. On the one hand, it makes it simpler for your visitors to navigate around your site, and find all the content. And on the other hand, it also makes sure that your website gets proper results letting the search engines find all your pages.

For Bloggers, it could be very purposeful. Content links can do wonders if used properly. These links when placed within your blog posts, help to redirect people to other relevant pages of your site and thus, increase traffic on your page.

6. Crisp, Yet Meaningful Content: Lastly, we would like to draw your attention to a very important part, which is your content. If you don’t have content that could attract people, you may be doomed. Good, unique content is the prerequisite of a good website. Make sure that your content is attractive and short as no one is interested in reading long boring articles unless they are very interestingly written. Break your content into paragraphs, you are not writing a Ph.D. thesis, right? Use language that’s easy to understand yet beautiful to read. In nutshell, it should be able to convey your message to the masses, isn’t that what you aim for?

These techniques together, if used properly, can do wonders for your eCommerce and no one can stop you from becoming the champ of the online world. Strong SEO is the key to success in the online world! Do remember this always. The more visible your presence is, the more successful you will be! At any point in time, if you will need any sort of help regarding SEO or any other help pertaining to eCommerce, don’t hesitate to reach iBrandox, the result-driven SEO marketing company in Gurgaon. We would love to help you and associate with your business.


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