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Building Blocks Of A Successful SEO Campaign!

building-blocks-of-a-successful-seo-campaign In order to build a successful SEO campaign, one has to consider a lot of factors that sometimes go beyond traditional SEO work. Getting good rankings from search engines is alright but a good SEO campaign should also be able to drive traffic to a particular website from a good number of sources that include both social media and mobile.

Here are the Steps Involved in a Successful SEO campaign.

  1. Analysis of the current setup: Is the website based on an outdated or a modern platform? If the platform is old and outdated, it is a good thing to migrate to WordPress before doing anything else. Besides the platform, you also need to decide if there are going to be changed in the design of the website. This happens to be a tough decision and it should be arrived at by the client and based on the suggestions of the SEO marketing company. Another metric that needs to be analyzed before starting off on the campaign is the traffic sources. Google Analytics help SEO experts to do this.
  2. Performing an SEO audit: This happens to be the starting point of the SEO campaign. The SEO audit deliverables become the action plan for the entire campaign. The audit helps to identify the areas that will need improvement.
  3. Working on Social Media: After the changes are made based on the SEO audit, the next step is to start work on social media. Besides the benefits of traffic, social media helps the SEO team to understand if the campaign is moving in the right direction. If the content is promoted on Social media like Twitter, Facebook, and other channels then it is a sign that you are doing the accepted thing.
  4. Working on local SEO: A lot of businesses have personal websites to promote their products and services in the local market. Sometimes all they want is a local SEO so things like Google Maps, Google+ will generate heightened exposure to the website.
  5. Keyword Research: Keywords are a vital part of any SEO campaign. Using Google keyword tool SEO experts find as many related keywords as they can and these are incorporated into the content strategy.
  6. Establishing content strategy: Content lies at the core of each and every website and if you have a content strategy it will help to promote the website in both the social media as well as search engines. Depending on the type of website, suitable content is created.
  7. Secondary sources of traffic: Besides optimizing the website, SEO experts look into other areas like email marketing, mobile marketing and also pay per click campaigns.
An SEO campaign is also not all about SEO. As the owner of the website, you should be clear as to where you are and where you want to go. The aim should always be to create high-quality content so that the users and potential customers are happy. iBrandox is a web development company that has teams of the experienced and talented SEO experts. Rely on them to give your website the much-needed boost.

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