Responsive web design is an approach in which a designer creates a webpage that “responds” to or resizes itself depending on the type of device it is being viewed through. It could range from an oversized desktop computer monitor, a laptop, tablets of various sizes, or even a smart phone.
Responsive web design has become one of the hottest trends of late, this is due largely because of the spurt in growth of smart phones and tablets which people are increasingly turning to in order to access the internet.
The aim of
responsive web design is to have one site, but with different elements which will respond differently when viewed on devices with different screen sizes. If we take a traditional website and view it on a desktop, the page might show three columns, however while viewing on a tablet or smart phone, the website might force you to scroll in a horizontal direction, some elements might be hidden from view or distorted. Further complications arise because tablets and smart phones have a landscape orientation. On top of this, large images may “break” and sites can be slow to load.
If the site uses
responsive design, the tablet version will automatically adjust itself for easy viewing and navigation, and images will automatically resize themselves. In short, the website adjusts itself in accordance to the device it is being viewed through. Most people nowadays use mobiles and tablets to access the internet for business and shopping.
So if you’re looking to expand and stay ahead of the competition, then responsive web design is the way to go. Contact
iBrandox.com team today to know more details related to
responsive web design in Delhi.