An increasing number of people are investing in smartphones, tablets and the latest mobile phones today, simply because it allows them to better communicate and access internet on the go. Thus, almost all of them use these very gadgets to access websites and information about various products and services. This has led to the emergence of the concept of responsive website design. Therefore, responsive website designing is all about creating a website, which can resize itself in accordance with the screen size of the device, it is being viewed on. Here, find out why the demand for responsive website design is increasing with every passing day.
Why a Responsively Designed Website?According to a report, most of the traffic that comes to a website comes via the mobile phones. This is evidence enough to establish why companies must consider designing their websites responsively instead of sticking to the traditional website design. Today a wide variety of responsively designed templates are readily available over the internet. Thus, companies that need a quick and effective responsive website design can easily search for various options over the internet and use it further for creating a full-fledged website.
However, companies that are specifically looking to design a unique and innovative responsive website can hire leading and reputed web design agencies such as Gurgaon-based
iBrandox and acquire a truly potent and innovatively designed website. Their responsively sites are designed taking various factors like size of the screen, pixel resolution, click versus touch and optimized mark-up among other elements into consideration. A responsively designed website utilizes fluid grids, which implies that the elements of the page aren’t sized by the pixels but are sized as per the proportion. The width of one column is resized as per the width of the other columns. Responsive website developers also look into aspects such as layout formation, coding, and visual presentation in a manner, that allows them to design a site that offers optimal and best viewing experience on different devices. Additionally, a responsively designed website also takes SEO aspects into consideration, which further allows companies to better market their products and services. This is perhaps one of the biggest reasons why more and more companies are opting for responsive website design. Some of the other reasons why the demand for responsive website designing is on the rise include:
Avoid Duplication: Companies that opt for responsive website designing can easily avoid duplication of content, as they don’t need to design two different websites viz. one for desktop users and the other for mobile phone and tablet users. Having two different sites implies that companies will have to come up with different content for the same products and services.
Strong Link Building: In the case of a responsively designed site, the URL for both desktop and mobile phone users remains the same. This ensures that your website’s ranking on various search engines remains the same.
Reduce Bounce Rate: If your website requires excessive horizontal scrolling, forcing your clients to exit the same, then perhaps it is happening due to the bounce rate. If your site isn’t designed well enough to keep your clients engaged and users tend to leave the site after just a couple of clicks, then it will hamper your online reputation and ranking. Thus, a responsively designed site will help you minimize the bounce rate and attract additional traffic. Besides, it will also ensure that your site loads faster.
To sum up, organizations that are looking to better market their products, brand, and services through their website, can consider hiring experienced Gurgaon-based web design companies such as
iBrandox. This will help them acquire easy-to-navigate and optimally designed sites that can be accessed via any gadget including mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, and computers.