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Facts for Mobile Website Development

Today, an increased number of people use their mobile phones for internet browsing in comparison to desktop browsing. In fact, Google has specifically gone on to create a separate search engine for mobile phone users. While a number of business organizations have already set up a mobile-optimized website, there are others that are still wondering how to go about it. However, before businesses embrace their mobile websites, they need to understand the facts associated with this latest trend. These facts will reveal more about the intricate process of developing a mobile website. Read on to find out some of the facts associated with
mobile website development.
- Size Matters: When it comes to mobile website development, one of the first facts that businesses need to get accustomed to is that their site will be viewed in a different manner across multiple mobile phone and smartphone screens. This is precisely why experienced designers at reputed website development firms including Gurgaon-based iBrandox examine the site on numerous screens to provide users with additional features.
- Different Coding: Every browser interprets codes in a different manner when it comes to viewing a site. It is because of this very reason that the same site appears differently in different browsers. Thus, in order to provide users with a similar experience in different browsers, a mobile website developer must develop a site in such a manner that it is compatible with almost all browsers. Typically, a website developer needs to resize a site in order to make it convenient for the users to view it on different devices including smartphones, mobile phones, and tablets.
- Responsive Design is a Must: A wide variety of mobile phones are being launched day in and day out and therefore, mobile website developers cannot remain content by checking their site on just a couple of browsers. They need to optimize their client’s website for different mobile phone browsers as each of them comes with varied screen resolution, supporting technologies as well as user community. Today, web designers need to responsively design websites using the latest technologies such as CSS3 and HTML5.
- Keep Things Simple: Businesses need to understand that when it comes to re-designing their sites for mobile browsers, they should keep things simple. Ideally, a good design agency such as iBrandox will keep both the loading time and file size down for mobile browsers. Remember, people prefer visiting a site that is easy to navigate and loads faster. Therefore, designers should always focus on creating a simple layout, navigation, and overall design for a website.
- Layouts with Single-Column Are the Best: When creating a mobile website, businesses must opt for a single-column structure. This allows them to manage limited space on the mobile phones that come with small screens. It also provides them with enough opportunity to scale the resolution in accordance with the type of mobile phone and further flip between landscape and portrait mode.
- Collapsible Navigation: Businesses that need to present a great deal of information via their mobile-optimized website must focus on organizing the layout simple and creating collapsible navigation. They can seek the expert suggestions of experienced web design companies and stack a lot of content in folding modules, which further allows the users to check the content by simply tapping on them. This also hides the information that the users may not be interested in.
- Tap is the Key: People who scan a website on mobile phones use their fingers to tap and check for information on the site instead of mouse-clicking on it. Therefore, at the time of creating a mobile website, web designers include all the elements that require clicking such as the buttons, links, menus, images, etc., and ensure that they are ‘tappable’. Ideally, designers should include large buttons, which can be conveniently pressed via a thumb. In fact, mobile site developers should also recreate the ‘hover’ feature for mobile phone users.
- The test is a Must: Last but not the least, designers should always test the mobile site first and then launch it for their clients and their users. This is an absolute necessity because if the site is not loading quickly on mobile phones and is also not easy to navigate and view, then there is no point in launching it as the users will shun it under all circumstances.
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