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The Importance of Mobile Friendly Websites for Your Company

In the year 1997 there were about 1 million websites and 10 years down the line the number increased to 150 million. Similarly, in 2007, there were about 1 million mobile websites and it is supposed to reach the 150 million mark by 2017. With about 3 billion mobile phones over the world, it is increasingly likely that a consumer’s first internet experience is going to be through a mobile. These changes are quite rapid and the business world has no option but to adapt in accordance.
Some of the reasons as researched by
iBrandox are:
- Rise of smartphones: sales of smartphones have increased manifold over the last couple of years and these devices are a great medium for hand-held browsing.
- Popularity of mobile internet: studies show that 40% of people having a mobile phone use it for going online at least once a day.
- Use of GPS: GPS is a very useful technology and is increasingly being used by more and more people to find out directions as well as locations of establishments. If there is no mobile site for your company then you’re potentially losing out on customers in your locality.
- Competition: when people find out that your website is not mobile friendly, they may switch preferences to another company that offers the same services on a mobile platform.
- SEO: mobile friendly websites help in SEO as it helps increase ranking on mobile friendly search engines like Google and Yahoo.
- 2D bar codes: one of the bonuses of a mobile friendly website is 2D bar codes. They can and are increasingly being used for discounts.
If you are in need of a
mobile friendly website in Delhi, get in touch with
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