You may have read quite a few impressive articles about logo designing and how it can create a brand’s visual presence. Some of them might have told you about a lot of important stuff, but they might have forgotten a few basic tricks which can create a whole lot of difference for your brand. Let’s revisit some of the basic fundamental things about logo designs.
If you ask the professionals in
iBrandox to sum up the basic principles of logo design, they will tell you about the five fundamentals: you need to keep it simple, timeless, appropriate, memorable and versatile. Simplicity is the key to a good design. In fact, logo designs follow the basic principle of KISS or Keep it Simple Stupid. This is a vital feature of a good logo. An effective design should be simple, and if it simple, in 99 out of 100 cases it tends to be memorable. Think of your design and try to find out yourself can it really stand the test of time? In fact, if it is a memorable design, then it definitely can. But the attention span of a web user has diminished in recent years making it impossible for them to recognize the brand after five years, let alone a decade. So, try to incorporate something unique which will make it timeless.
And with the unique feature, you need to add something versatile, so that it works seamlessly in different applications and media forms. Make the logo appropriate for the intended audience. If you are trying to drive across a message, you need to understand how it can be used to capture the attention of the audience and create an impact on them. So, if you are designing a logo for a law firm, you cannot choose colorful and childish fonts which might be appropriate for a logo of a toy store.
Understanding the BrandWhy is it so important to understand the brand? If you ask this question to professionals in
iBrandox who have been dealing with logo designing for a long time, they will tell you that without knowing the brand, you cannot create the logo. It is not just an image; it is a visual representation of what the brand is all about. The logo is the first step towards knowing the brand. This introductory step is of supreme importance. Think of your audience and also about the brand. Try to figure out what kind of images come to your mind when you think about the brand. The logo should be such that it captures the brand’s ideology perfectly.
When you think of the brand you have to think of the aspects which you want to represent in the logo. Is it utility-driven or will it be designed to evoke certain emotions? What kind of design should you incorporate so that it displays a proper message to the audience? For some brands a contemporary design will do the trick, while for others it can be quite quirky. Also, doing some research about the trends in logo design can also help to define the personality of the brand.
Never Hope for Instant SuccessAll iconic logos had taken a lot of time to gain popularity. Even if you have designed the most beautiful logo, it will not become an overnight success. In fact,
iBrandox will tell you that the success of a logo largely depends on the product and on the market in which it is introduced. Most of the big brands which have created iconic logos, have tried to incorporate major brand principles in their logos. So, when designer of Nike introduced the swoosh, he represented motion and a sign that would look nice on a shoe. It is the same with Puma. The designer had taken the literal meaning of puma and introduced the leaping animal. Design the logo in such a manner so that it has an edge over competition. Even if it does not have success at first, you can always evolve and make it dynamic later. Do not rush with sudden changes as your logo has not garnered the interest you have hoped for. Good logos can be like good wine. The older they are, the better they will be.
Think of some innovative ways to design the logo. It may not be an instant success, but time can prove to be vital and one day it will achieve the status of being iconic!