An organization must create a powerful, unique, and effective logo, in order to differentiate itself from its competitors. Remember, a professional and attractive logo can help organizations of different scales and sizes better represent themselves and their brand, products, and solutions. However, designing a new logo requires web designers to do a lot of brainstorming and thinking. Here, find 7 common mistakes that logo designers tend to make while designing logos for their clients.
- Typography Mistakes: Typography plays a vital role in making or breaking a logo design. Therefore, it is extremely important that a logo designer understands all the elements and aspects of typography appropriately. Ideally, a logo should be simple yet effective and must also convey the organization’s message clearly. Logo designers should avoid excessive usage of fonts and pay special attention to other elements such as spacing, sizing, and kerning to come up with a relevant business logo.
- Selecting Incorrect Font: At the time of creating a company’s logo, designers need to select a font, which is in tune with their client’s nature of the business, brand, and products& services. Hence, it is extremely important that designers choose effective and suitable fonts for creating a logo. Instead of picking an incorrect or just about any type of font, designers must spend a decent amount of time researching and analyzing different fonts and further use the one, which allows their clients to create their own unique brand identity.
- Excessive Importance to Colors and Special Effects: Logo designers shouldn’t create logos by using excessive special effects or colors. This isn’t the right way of creating a logo. Typically, the designers should first design their logos in black and white mode and later introduce colors or special effects, depending upon the requirements of their clients. This helps designers to concentrate on the shape as well as the concept of the logo, instead of relying on or using special effects unnecessarily. Thus, designers should avoid overusing embossing, drop shadows, and other styles to come up with a good and innovative logo.
- Complex Designing: Often logo designers tend to create logos that are confusing, complex, and not at all convincing. This can spoil the entire image of an organization and not allow it to create a distinct identity of its own. In order to create a potent logo, designers must keep their designs simple and shouldn’t complicate them unnecessarily. Also, the design should be versatile and easily adaptable on different mediums i.e. it should fit well on a postage stamp as well as giant size billboards too.
- Borrowing Or Stealing Existing Designs: This is perhaps the biggest mistake that a logo designer can ever commit. Borrowing, copying, or stealing an existing design can lead to duplication of the logo, which is something their clients would never ever desire. Therefore, logo designers should refrain from copying a logo and swapping colors or changing words to twist an existing logo and label it as their own creation. On one hand, this would be considered unethical and illegal, and on the other hand, the logo designing company will end up losing their existing and potential clients permanently. Designers should also dump the idea of using clip arts and stock and focus on creating original and unique logos.
- Using Monograms: Logo designers often use monograms to create logos for their clients. Unless specified, using monograms for designing a company’s logo is considered a huge mistake, as this restricts the organization from establishing a strong brand reputation. For instance, a logo for a company named Raj Hardware shouldn’t just be R& H. While using a monogram can seem like a quick and easy solution, it inhibits the designers from using their creative knowledge and abilities, resulting in a typical and unattractive logo. No matter what, a designer should always emphasize creating original and mind-blowing logos for their clients.
- Excessive Input From Clients: While client suggestions and inputs are important, logo designers should never allow them (their clients) to direct their designs completely. Remember, an organization that desires a unique and relevant logo, will allow logo designers to use their creative intelligence and expertise for designing a truly professional and eye-catching logo and not pressurize them at all. Ideally, designers should be able to explain to their clients why a certain style, font or color, may not be right for conveying their organization’s message and intentions.
To sum up, logo designers should focus on using their own expertise, knowledge, and skills for designing a powerful and professional logo for their clients. When it comes to selecting a reputed
logo designing company such as Gurgaon-based iBrandox, organizations must carry out thorough research and pick a team of experienced and professional logo designers. Logo designing agencies such as iBrandox.com can help organizations acquire memorable and versatile logos with assistance from their creative and adventurous team of designers.