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Why Myntra Closed Their Website And Moved To Mobile Application: iBrandox Analysis

We all know how the e-commerce has topped the economy in a very miniscule time span of 10 years. Gone are the days when you had to look for a new dress by roaming around the packed markets! Now, your new dresses are at your finger tips, just a touch away. Such is the popularity of e-commerce.

Now, the e-commerce has taken a leap forward. By what? You would have heard about Myntra shutting its website down and going live on App alone. Did you not wonder why Myntra took such a huge step, which very less number of firms would have taken yet? Being an app developing firm, iBrandox, the best app developing company in Gurgaon, decided to study this step of Myntra and present an analysis to exhibit the current trend of e-commerce to the budding e-commerce aspirants.

It might sound you a reiteration that over the past few years, mobile technology has grown enormously and it is the product of the same development that we’re witnessing changing patterns of commerce, e-commerce to be specific. According to Mukesh Bansal, the co-founder of Myntra and CMO of flipkart, “the growth on the mobile platform has been rapid because fashion shopping is quite impulsive”. Let’s see what all would have contributed to this!
  1. Increasing Number of Mobile Users- Firstly, there has been a huge increase in the population of those who use smartphones, especially when compared to desktop users. This has been one of the most crucial factors which provided thrust to the e-commerce. According to leading e-commerce players, the e-commerce firms are receiving more than half of their total orders via mobiles. This automatically leads us to the fact that they are receiving maximum of their revenues from mobiles.  In such a scenario, isn’t it very obvious to put all their attention to creating mobile apps?
  2. Mobile Apps Are Easier And Quick To Be Used- Ordering your product via mobile apps is way easier and faster than doing the same via desktops/laptops. Mobile is something that stays with you forever, irrespective of the place, be it inside your cozy blanket or some distant place or your classroom. This gives another reason to e-commerce players to go for mobile apps. Myntra was generating 80% of its traffic and 60% of its sales through mobile application. What could be the more compelling reason to go for App?
  3. Privilege Of Offline Functionality- Good internet is always an issue. So, in such a case it is important to have something where things can function even without high-speed internet. Once your app is loaded on the customer’s phone, let them add their items to cart and prepare their order list. Once they are back to their speedy internet zone, let them ping you with the final order. This is the power of a mobile app!
  4. More Personalised Way To Connect- Perhaps, the most important way to innovate your business is by bringing the ability to personalise what your customer sees when they open the app, based on the tracking what they like/dislike, etc. Based on recommendations, you can also keep innovating your app.
According to Myntra, “Fashion or shopping in a bigger purview, is a very personal experience. Your sense of style, the brands you prefer to wear, the brands you choose to follow are unique just like your personality. What inspires you to look good changes and evolves every day. The best fashion experience is truly personalized and engaging one that is only possible through the device that is closest to you. A device that understands you-mobile.” And this is how Myntra concludes their path of divergence from website to a mobile app.

This is all what we wanted to showcase by our small analysis. In case, this has inspired you also to shut your website and go for App just like Myntra, and you require any sort of help pertaining to app, you know where to go? Just reach iBrandox, the best App development company in Gurgaon, and we will prepare the best app for you and make your business reach the zenith of success. Waiting to hear from your side soon!

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