Only a few years back when people started talking about the mobile experience, the emphasis was more on how we use it when we are waiting in a long queue or walking through the road. The meaning of mobile has undergone a dynamic change and now users are looking for a more complete mobile experience. So, even with a laptop in reach at home, people are spending more time with their apps on their mobiles. The question that is asked by many at this point is which is better web or app? At a first glance, they will probably look similar, but determining which is most suitable for a business depends on a number of factors like purpose, intended audience, and also on budget.
Is there a difference between mobile websites and apps?Both mobile apps and mobile websites are accessed on handheld devices like tablets and smartphones. The mobile website has the same configurations as a standard website and can be accessed through the internet. But the obvious difference is that it is designed for a smaller display and has a touch-screen interface. Apps on the other hand are usually applications that need to be downloaded and installed on the mobiles, and generally do not function without the help of a browser. The app will definitely pull the content from the data just like a website, or it may simply download the content so that it can be accessible even without an internet connection. So, if both of them are equally useful, how can one use them for business? iBrandox has a definitive opinion about it. Think about the business purpose. The days of canned mobile strategies are over. It is always about a particular business or brand and how they want to portray themselves in the e-commerce zone.
Decide on your goalsThe vital question is what is the end goal for your business? A number of
mobile application developers in Gurgaon have tried to answer that question. iBrandox will tell you that if you are developing a game, an app is an appropriate choice. But in case you are offering mobile-friendly content and aiming for a larger audience, the obvious choice will be a mobile website. There are businesses where you need both. In fact, a mobile website is probably your first step for an app. App on the other hand can be used for a specific purpose that cannot be achieved through a web browser.
Companies dealing with public or marketing communications primarily aim for a mobile website. It is the most practical and effective strategy for mobile outreach. Or if you are a law firm that deals with in-person consultations, the app can hardly make sense. In terms of cost-effectiveness, greater accessibility, and compatibility, mobile websites have a greater advantage.
Mobile websites v/s appsIf you ask about some of the advantages of mobile websites, iBrandox, a mobile application development agency in Gurgaon will provide you with some solid logic. In terms of immediacy, mobile websites get an edge over apps. They are easily accessible via a browser on a number of devices. For apps, the time of engagement is longer, as you need to download it first and then view its content.
Think about your customer segment and what kind of devices they use. In the case of the retail industry, 50% of the users can access it via apps, and the conversion rate is probably 30% higher than on websites. This is a strong argument for developing an app for a product. But to counter that, you can also think of a Blackberry situation. If conversion rates for Blackberry are slow, it makes greater sense to optimize the mobile site in order to make it work with the Blackberry browser.
When we think of upgrading a site, which is a constant demand for any mobile site, it is more flexible to update the content on a site than in an app. Editing the content and design and uploading it to the site will probably take a week, but the same process may take days to complete in an app. When you update an app, the updated version has to be compatible across devices. Plus the users have to be comfortable with the upgraded app and there is this whole new process of downloading and installing it again.
In the case of interactivity, nothing beats an app. Websites can never accomplish it. Plus with most apps, there is a touch of personalization. A recent study has shown that the usability of an app largely depends on the emotional connection of the users. The more they connect to it, the bigger the chances they will use it. In fact, a mobile app company in Gurgaon has shown that in case of complex calculations or reporting, an app will be most useful.
But when it comes to expenses, mobile websites are generally more cost-effective than apps. When you think of having a mobile presence on various platforms, developing the website is pretty inexpensive as compared to an app. Both apps and websites need to be supported and upgraded. There can be upgrades, testing phases, compatibility issues, and ongoing developments. The added expenses of a website are less than an app any day.
Think about all the pros and cons of a mobile website and an app, and try to figure out which is going to add an edge to your business. Which one will work better with your customers? Think about your goals, and then decide on whether it will be an app or a website.