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Re-inventing brands, digitally



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Some say we love startups, others shout us as web developers, few commend us as a digital agency, while some suggest technology greeks.

Food and Beverage Companies Website Designing

Websites designed for your customer

Why should you hire iBrandox for Food & Baverage Companies Website Development?
  • Highly customized approach to develop Food and Beverage Companies Website
  • Focus on looks, navigation, features and listings
  • Reliable and safe solutions to ensure user privacy
  • Tools to update the database quickly
  • SEO friendly approach to ensure your Visibility
  • Approachable priced to meet the budget
  • Committed and timely deliveries to ensure customer satisfaction
Must be wondering,what is Ox? We are bull in our services. iBrandox-Online-Private-Limited
Why should you hire iBrandOx for your Web Designing Project? website development in delhi


Website Design for Food and Beverage Company

If your business is food and beverage, a website is a must for you. The website helps to convert viewers into customers and spreads the name of your brand far and wide. Here we discuss the essential features of a food and beverage website.

Mobile optimized website

You must realize that customers look for food and beverage options while they are engaged in other tasks or when they are taking a short break. Chances are high that in these cases the platform will be a mobile platform. And mobile viewership contributes more than 50% of total views on any given website. Since this is the case. You would do well to make the design of the food and beverage website mobile responsive. It will up the number of visits and conversions dramatically.

Visually appealing

Photo-shopped pictures of the best dishes you have on offer will do the job of attracting potential customers to your brand, and ensure that the food to be photographed is presented enticingly. They are the torchbearers of your act; do not deny them their place in the spotlights. Great images go a long way in convincing people that your food and beverage are the best in the town. Always go for the best possible quality on the pictures.

Content Quality and relevance

The website content should be short, crisp, and easily digestible, much like a food item. It is a good idea to have a blog section that is regularly updated with news and views, including pictures and videos. This will keep visitors to the site engaged, the longer they engage, the higher the chances of conversion.

Embedded Instagram Feed

Using social media platforms is a no-brainer. Everyone worth their salt has an Instagram account and according to reports, 67% of the millennial generation takes a photo of their food before they start eating. Since 2010, 208 million posts have been hashtagged ‘food’. Showcasing your business’s delectable Instagram feed on the website will help make your business look active, and will help in building credibility.


A video is easier to digest than blocks of clunky text. People will appreciate your efforts to include video on the website, and it will help in garnering conversions.

Call To Action

CTA’s are buttons placed across the website that guide and encourage your visitors to do the desired action. For example “find us”, “contact us”, “Download recipe”, and ‘Buy now” are CTA’s that will help to convert visitors to your food and beverage website.

iBrandox is a website creation agency in Gurgaon and Delhi NCR India, that has experience in designing websites for food and beverage companies. Get in touch with us to give wings to your thoughts and emotions.

Why iBrandox:-

  1. You can manage unlimited products & categories
  2. Add customized tools to enhance user experience
  3. Flexible payment gateway options
  4. User-friendly store management software
  5. Marketing tools to promote online store

Visit our digital studio at Gurgaon and let’s sip a ‘Cup of Chai’ together at our Gurgaon Digital Studio to discuss your E-commerce Business Plan.

Key Features

  • Marketing Promotion
  • Inventory Management
  • Reviews Management
  • Shopping Cart
  • Images/Product Uploader
  • Customer Dashboard
  • Customized home page
  • Product Management
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • Live Chat
  • Customer Management
  • Content Management
  • Product Management
  • Category Management
  • Reports & Statistics Module
  • Order Processing Module
  • Easy Navigation Modules
  • Search Management
  • Discount Management

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