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Important Web Design Statistics

All kind of businesses requires a good website. A website can be built for the company by an experienced
web design company in India. Here are some important web design statistics that you should know about, even if you are not designing a website yourself.
- About 30% of small businesses will spend between 1000 pounds to 10000 pounds on website creation. Designing a large website costs on average 32000 pounds. And your average time in designing such a large website is 2 months.
- Adobe conducted a worldwide study and found that given 15 minutes, 59% of all people would read and browse through a beautifully designed website instead of a website that is simple and boring. Most visitors will prefer an attractive design over a simple design.
- It takes only 50 milliseconds for a visitor to form an opinion about a particular website. Hence if the site does not have impressive design and layout, people will simply leave the website for another website.
- 84% of respondents to a survey think that design inspired businesses are outperforming their competition. And 73% of companies surveyed are investing heavily in design to stay ahead of the competition.
- Of all the visitors to the homepage of your site, 86% of them want information about products or services, 64% expect to have the contact information and 52% want to know about the nature of your business. These figures should be kept in mind and evaluated for what they signify when the website is designed by a web design company.
- 36% of visitors click on the business logo on other websites to reach your website. Hence, it is common practice to place the logo at the top left-hand corner of the home website.
- The average time it takes to load a mobile web page is 15 seconds. This time is of utmost importance to web design companies as 53% of mobile visitors leave the site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Mobile traffic is responsible for about 50% of web traffic and web design companies in India should take cognizance of the loading time to minimize it.
- Main reasons for visitors to leave a website include images not loading (39%), the page takes long to load (39%), page content is too long (38%), and content is visually not attractive (38%).
In light of these facts, it is essential to have a good
web development company in India like
iBrandox that checks all the right boxes when it comes to website design and development in India.
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