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Differences between a good Website Designer and an Ordinary One

While I do admit that some people are just born, gifted with abilities in a certain sphere which make them peerless, others have also reached the same level through picking up good habits and skills along the way as they come of their own in this world.
The same principle applies to website designers. Here’s how you can spot a really good one;
- User Empathy: A good designer understands his user and his requirements, and for that, it requires empathy. It’s no good trying to shove your creation down someone’s throat if it doesn’t serve the purpose, and your rep ends up taking a hit in the process. Your aims and objectives, any apprehensions or preference to colours will be taken into account by a designer of repute.
- He will try to get the point across to the user in the simplest manner: Recent studies have revealed that the more time a person spends in deciphering a logo or catchphrase, the more he will subconsciously dissociate himself with it, rejecting it as an alien concept. Website designer in Gurgaon keeps this in mind when going about his design, so as to make the customer easily understand the inference to the logo or catchphrases.
- Strategies Followed: A good designer will normally follow Hick’s law, which essentially states that as you increase the options available to a customer; he will take a longer time to reach a conclusive decision. Here again, a good designer will know where to draw the line with a limited number of quality options which will not seem to overburden the customer.
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