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The 7 Really Obvious Ways to Make Software Development in Delhi Better

Most software development projects fail. The Standish Group reports that over 80% of projects tend to be unsuccessful either because they are over budget, late, a missing function, or a combination of these factors. And 30% of software projects are executed so poorly that they never see the light of day.
iBrandox has identified some of the best practices to make
software development in Delhi or for that matter anywhere in the country. Let’s take a look at them below:
- Development process: it is very important to choose an appropriate development life cycle process for the project because all other activities will be derived from the process.
- Requirements: gathering and agreeing on requirements is fundamental and key to a successful project. But this does not necessarily imply that all requirements be fixed before any architecture, design, or coding is done.
- Architecture: choosing the right architecture is crucial for the success of the project. Tried and true practices are called patterns.
- Design: even with a good architecture it is still possible you will end up with a bad design. Most applications are either over-designed or under-designed.
- Construction of Code: code construction constitutes only a small fraction of the total project effort but it is the most visible, a best practice for constructing code is the daily build and smoke test.
- Testing: testing is an integral part of software development and needs to be planned. It is not an afterthought or a cutback.
- Deployment: it is the final stage of releasing an application for users. You need to plan for deployment and use a deployment checklist.
iBrandox can help you with all these stages of development and see to it that you have successful software ready for the market.
Our Location: India | Delhi | Gurgaon | Mumbai | Bangalore
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