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Unhappy with your current ecommerce?

Attractive website designing and its constant up gradation is very important for success in online business. If your website is not that productive for your business then it should be redesigned strategically at the earliest.
Some of such strategic decisions have been discussed while revamping your e-commerce website/portal!
- Recognize the purpose of redesigning: It is very important to recognize what is not working well with the website and it should be rectified at the earliest.
- Building brand value: Your redesigning work should be such that it gives a new image to your brand while sustaining the old trust.
- Revamping should be advertisement oriented: May be your earlier website was not able to promote the brand amongst the target audience. Take strategically decisions and promote the brand on new platform. Your new website should have all the important marketing tools.
- Outsourcing or do it yourself: Another important decision that has to be taken is whether you will do revamping all by yourself or outsource designers.
- Division of website: It is very important to divide the website in various sections so that user can easily find whatever he or she is looking for.
- Site navigation system: Lot of importance should be given to navigation system of the website while redesigning. Convenient navigation can give a boost to sales conversion.
- Aesthetic is very important: No matter how excellent your product or service is, first impression will always be casted by the website. Make sure it feels and look good.
- Use of templates: Building the web pages using templates can be a great help and is worth all the effort involve.
- Search engine friendly: It is very important to make sure that your new website id search engine friendly and lot of people are finding it with multiple keywords.
- Focused content: Focused content eliminates all the rubbish and can convey the exact point to the reader.
- Communication with customer: You should have all the tools for interacting with customers and solve their quarries.
- Sales pages: New sales pages created should be tested in dummy market before uploading on actual website.
- Usability trials: Similarly usability trials of the entire website are important before actual launch.
- Long term plans: Website redesigning should be done keeping long term goals in mind and not by just looking at the momentary gains.
- Budget: It is very important to assign a budget before you start with the process of website designing.
Designing companies like
iBrandox can be a great help in strategy development for your website.
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