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How to write the success story of digital marketing?

Digital marketing is a term that can be easily viewed on small or broad platforms as per the requirements and goals of the organization. If the techniques followed are up to the mark as per the set targets by the team then digital marketing can work wonders for the company, on the contrary, any lack of understanding, effort, or glitch can lead to an issue questioning the success of the entire project. Many companies offering
digital marketing in Gurgaon believe that following a system and measuring success at various scales from time to time can easily help you in writing your success story.
- Emails with improved efficiency: Messages and emails from any company can be an insipid thing to be paid attention to. You can make it all the more interesting and valuable by improving its efficiency with techniques like adding a calendar, event, or offering data that matches the exact requirement of the target audience.
- Pay equal attention to the design of your website: An interesting easily navigable website can play a very important role in writing the success story of your digital marketing. Your website should not only be interesting and enduring but it should also offer rich data which target audience not only find useful and valuable but also beneficial to them.
- SEO has to be well planned: Another very important aspect of digital marketing planning is planning SEO for the website. These days’ companies prefer natural SEO which instigates auto movements of clients and advertisers towards the website.
- Be market-ready: Being market-ready means that you should be versatile enough to cater to the needs of potential customers of each and every segment. Be it being present on mobile phones or deals and discounts from time to time. You should be ready with all.
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console.log('an error occurig retirve token', err);
showToken('Error', err);
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console.log('unable to notification ', err);
messaging.onMessage(function (payload) {
var obj = JSON.parse(;
var notification = new Notification(obj.title,
icon: "",
body: obj.body,
//requireInteraction: true,
data: {
time: new Date(,
click_action: obj.click_action
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