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HTML | SEO | Graphic | App Developer | PHP & Dot Net Developer | Content Writer | Sales
Characteristics of a Good Web Developer

Anyone with the requisite skills could be a good web developer. It is after all not a very difficult job to build a website. But to be able to build a really good website, it requires a web developer with certain qualities.
- He/she should acknowledge that it’s very possible that he will have to work without any specifications and with a large number of projects also.
- He/she should be aware that the most important function of his job is to build a well-functioning website with the simplest and cheapest possible technologies, as fast as possible. This is critical because in today’s competitive market, there are lots of other firms that can do similar jobs with quicker turnaround times.
- He/she should be up to date with the latest technologies and willing to learn on the job. In technology, prevailing trends become obsolete in a couple of years and so it is imperative to keep on brushing up on one’s skills.
- From time to time, new releases of software, tools and programming languages should be imbibed by the web developer in order for him to be ahead of the competition.
- Good developers should give importance to image optimization, if the website takes a long time to load, then it’s not a very good website.
- He/she should know the major differences between different web browsers and the differences of the functionalities possible on the website.
- A good web developer is expected to be well versed in at least one programming language, notably PHP. The more programming languages he knows, the easier it becomes for him to execute tasks.
If you are looking for an experienced
web development company in Delhi/NCR, checkout
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console.log('unable to notification ', err);
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time: new Date(,
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