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5 Web Development Tips for Increasing Online Sales

Most merchants do not realize it, but the design of their online web
pages has a direct effect on the sales generated. Even the smallest
design element can improve or harm conversion rates.
iBrandox specializes in
developing customized
websites for clients across India, especially Delhi, based on their
brief, and here are some tips gleaned from
- The shopping cart should be
visible: when a customer adds an item to his cart, he expects
it to be visible. This gives them the peace of mind that the item has
been registered.
- Optimize the “add to cart”
buttons: there is a difference in response between site
visitors and customers. Generally, customers do not like it when there
are things like “more details” or “learn more” on the add–to–cart
button. An “add- to” button that says “buy now” is preferable. Also
colour plays an important role: blue and green count among the gentler
colours while orange or red can hurt the
- Product pages should be
clear: the first thing should always be the product images.
Customer reviews should be at the bottom of the page. Also, the product
name, description, and price should be displayed for ease of shopping.
This ups the conversion rates.
- Navigation
pathways should be clear: hidden menus and other elements are
not effective at all and end up leaving the shopper frustrated, avoid
- The checkout page should be distraction-free: the customer is going in a very specific direction when
he is checking out. Ignore the urge to keep selling into the checkout
process. Single-page checkouts have the highest conversion
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console.log('an error occurig retirve token', err);
showToken('Error', err);
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console.log('unable to notification ', err);
messaging.onMessage(function (payload) {
var obj = JSON.parse(;
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icon: "",
body: obj.body,
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data: {
time: new Date(,
click_action: obj.click_action
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