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10 Reasons Why No To Flash for Website Development

An increasing number of companies are building their websites using Adobe Flash. While, it certainly helps them have all the attractive features such as high-end graphics, animations, sound effects, and gradients on their site, using the flash technology to design your website isn’t a good idea at all, especially when it comes to aspects such as usability and SEO. In fact, many website designing companies use flash recklessly, without realizing that even CSS and HTML can help them design an attractive-looking website. Read on to find out the top 10 reasons why you should say no to flash for website development.
- Increased Loading Time: Flash websites require a user to download the additional plugin in order to be able to view the content on them. Therefore, such websites take a lot of time to load. This obviously isn’t very exciting for a user who is trying to check out your site. This also makes your website less responsive/mobile-friendly website and discourages the online visitors and users further.
- Minimizes Usability: Web browsers are designed for supporting style sheets, JavaScript and HTML. However, websites that are designed using flash run slowly and make the CPU heavy, making the browser unresponsive. This eventually disappoints the users and he/she refuses to explore your site any further. In fact, most of the users end up exiting from the site quickly. Remember, it is important to create a responsive website since it allows the user to view the site on handsets as well as PCs and laptops. It is also important to note here that a flashy website isn’t mobile-friendly as well, which automatically discourages smartphone users from browsing your website using their handsets.
- Costly and Time-Consuming: The images, animations, and all the other features you notice on a flash website require the website designers to use timeline technology, which is both time-consuming and costly. Thus, flash is a complete no for organizations that have a very restricted budget for designing their websites.
- Not Really Important: There are many web designing companies in India today that can help you design an attractive website using flash. However, a professional website development company in Gurgaon such as iBrandox will first analyze whether you really need flash for your website or not. If required, the flash will definitely be used for creating your website. Remember, flash is not really important, especially if you do not have enough reasons to have one.
- Not Compatible with Old Browsers: Your browser must be compatible with flash for your visitors to be able to view your site easily. In fact, some of the old browsers don’t even support Flash and even the latest smartphones do not support flash elements, which means having a flash website will only lead to reduced web traffic.
- Flash Needs Adobe For Improvements and Fixes: Unlike Apple, Mozilla, and Google who are constantly innovating and competing to enhance the performance of the JavaScript in the internet browser, Adobe isn’t really concentrating on developing its products, which automatically discourages the developers from making improvements or fixes using Flash technology. In fact, a growing number of designers are refraining from using flash tools for designing websites altogether.
- Flash Overlooks Users Requirements: Marketing is all about meeting the user’s requirements. However, the flash-based websites overlook the needs of the users. Flash site intros and sound effects are time-consuming and annoying.
- Search Engines Hate Flash: Many search engines face difficulty in crawling and indexing the contents of Flash-based websites. In fact, some of the search engines that are able to achieve the same do it only after committing a number of errors. As a result, companies that use flash technology are able to attract very few visitors to their website.
- Back Button Disabled: A number of flash developers and designers utilize Meta refreshes and other options to disable the back button of different internet browsers. According to experts, the “Back” button is the most widely used navigation option aside from hyperlinks. In fact, if users are not able to use the “Back” button option, they end up exiting the page. Also, if you intend to promote its Flash website using the PPC method, then you must also know that Google AdWords does not approve web pages that have the back button disabled on them.
- Flash Block Links: There are many users on the web who simply hate flash and use a flash blocker every time they need to browse the internet. As a result, while browsing, a box automatically opens up before then and they are required to click on it if they wish to view the flash content in it. Also, many web browsers like Firefox display a “Block Flash” link, which hampers the overall look, flow, and design of a website. In fact, too many flash contents and items on a webpage only make the website appear shabby and ugly.
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